Common Questions

Common grad school questions



Do I really get paid to get my Ph.D.?
  • You sure do!  Graduate students get their tuition waived and receive a generous stipend.  This stipend will cover the costs of housing (even in the most expensive cities like LA or SF) and other living expenses.  If you are capable of managing your money wisely, you will easily be able to save money.
  • Typically, students are funded for 1 to 2 years by their program and then for the rest of their Ph.D., receive funding from government grants or their PI.  Currently, the average yearly stipend for graduate students across the country is 26-27,000$.
  • When you are researching or visiting schools make sure you ask them about funding and whether students are supported for their entire Ph.D.. Some programs might not guarantee a stipend after the first or second year, leaving the responsibility of securing furding to the student.
  • Just think, NO LOANS!  Graduate school is the best of both worlds: you get paid to go to school and research what really interests you!